In the United States is not too expensive, some people mistakenly thought. Depending on the federal and state income, a layout of foreign mid-range every home city of mental arithmetic.
The average income in the United States, the average price is the first $47.300, an average of $263.300.
Regional statistics house price and income of city residents based on the layout business insider calculation of money to buy a house in the United States around the city:
Burlington County, South Burlington, Vermont.
Including a house with four bedrooms and two bathrooms in this area, the price of about $278.
The county's population, including the 214.363 and the average house prices of about $288. So you must have at least 1 years of income is $53.444 in new hope to buy a house.
Salt Lake City, Utah
The population of this city is 1.170.266 and the average house price of $307.900.
With a $56.979 minimum wage will have hope to buy a house here.
A house with two bedroom house, with a $309.900 price in the city.
City area Austen - Landreau
An apartment, 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms in Austen, the price of $309.900.
2.000.860 is the population of the city, the average cost corresponds to $308 to buy a house.
This means that you need to have a minimum wage of $59.997 a year.
Miami Beach, Florida
The average cost to buy a house here is $335, the 6.012.331 population and people have paid thief $61.994 per night can buy a new house.
A three bedroom, 3 bathroom here to sell about $339.900.
City Reynolds
The population is about 450.890 Reynolds average price area and a $338.800. This means that you must have a minimum wage is $62.697 a year.
Four bedrooms, two bathrooms in this area the price of $339.900.
Sacramento City, California
The population of the area is 2.274.194 and the average price of a house is $340. The minimum wage of $62.919 you can buy a house here.
The apartment has 3 bedrooms, 2 bathroom in the city for about $344.900.
New York City
It seems that this is the price of the house more expensive city, in the United States, an average of $414 to buy a minimum range is $76.613 / year.
The population of the area a lot of $20.182.305.
A simple apartment with four bedrooms and 3 bathrooms, a price of $419 in New York.
Washington DC
The average price here is a small house for $428.700 is 6.097.684 and population density.
If the minimum wage of $79.334 per year, you can buy a house in the city.
One of only two bedrooms and a bathroom here at the price of around $425.
St. Jose - regional - Santa Clara Sunnyvale
Perhaps the most expensive area, the average house price of $1.183.000. You must have a minimum wage is $218 / year new hope to buy a house here.
An apartment with 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms and 5 in the San Jose 1,1 million price.
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